
Partner Funding Agreement # RVO03 / UPF2300013

Ukrainian Foundation "Step by Step" announces a tender for attracting experts to provide services within the scope of implementation of the project Beyond Trauma: Scaling Up Community Mental Health Care for Children and Youth at Risk in Ukraine's Conflict Affected Communities

We are pleased to announce the launch of a three-year project on the nexus of emergency and recovery, focusing on Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi and Khmelnytskyi oblasts. Among the consortium partners of the project are: AIDS Foundation East West (AFEW Ukraine), Ukrainian Step by Step Foundation (USSF), Doctors of the World Netherlands (MdM-NL), Doctors of the World Greece (MdM-GR), War Child Netherlands and the War Child Alliance, who leads the project. The Ukraine Partnership Facility (UPF) funds the project. UPF is a programme from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), commissioned by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The project addresses the need for better, local mental health care services and stigma reduction in targeted areas in Ukraine, with a special focus on children and youth.

More specifically, the project aims to:

  1. strengthen the ability of community-based and primary health care institutions to provide Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS); 
  2. reduce barriers to accessing mental health services for communities; and 
  3. reduce distress levels and improve the well-being among communities. 
  1. The competition is announced for the following positions:
    • Field Coordinator North (Sumy oblast)
    • Field Coordinator West (Khmelnytska and Chernivtska oblast)

  • Establish and maintain relationships with partners, through networking and outreach Work with partners to determine training, technical assistance, equipment, or financial needs with a focus on sustainability. This will be done under the supervision of the National Coordinator of their designee.
  • Coordinate and liaise with the national project staff to ensure effective grant implementation, compliance, and procurement requirements. Coordinate assistance from technical specialists, implementing partners, and short-term technical assistance.
  • Proactively develop activities, including trainings, meeting, regional steering committee participation with a high likelihood of achieving impact. Respond to the current social and political situation in Ukraine.
  • Prepare, present, analyze, and evaluate short and long term project planning to ensure consistency with program priorities, goals and objectives.
  • Lead a stakeholder outreach system to coordinate the design and implementation of programming on a context-driven basis. Evaluate and refine concepts with local partners, short-term technical assistance to support the design and alteration of activities, and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning staff to replicate and scale activities.
  • Develop and finalize multiple activities, on an ongoing basis, in a fast-paced and highly variable environment. Monitor the changing socio-political climate to provide on-going strategic analysis and advice to USSF.
  • Provide technical assistance to grantees, and potential partners as required, during the implementation phase in coordination with other staff. 
  • Use the USSF activity tracker for tracking and detailing activities.
  • Develop and maintain strong relationships with community and government counterparts to successfully lead community and government outreach. This includes reviewing contextual analysis, actively communicating with Activity partners and holding discussions with partners on activity concepts that fit within the Activity’s strategic objectives.
  • Evaluate activities’ progress, and coordinate with beneficiaries and other staff to prepare, review, and approve monitoring and evaluation data and final reports.
  • Ensure mechanism for sustainability are in place, including continued financial support, maintenance plans, ongoing training, etc.
  • Conduct reviews, summarize results, and provide recommendations, including completing final management reviews to document lessons learned, summarize results, and make suggestions about next steps for activity replication (additional communities, new sectors, new partners, etc.)
  • As needs dictate, the supervisor may assign ad hoc special tasks and duties to the USSF to ensure the overall efficient development of program activities.

Qualified candidates are expected to send their CVs to Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

no later than July 31, 2024. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: “Участь у тендері RVO”. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.


Місія Всеукраїнського фонду "Крок за кроком":

  • сприяння втіленню освітніх реформ з реалізації особистісно-орієнтованої, інклюзивної освітньої моделі з активним залученням сімей і громад, шляхом проведення тренінгів для освітян, батьків, представників громадських організацій;
  • ініціювання та реалізації проектів, спрямованих на забезпечення рівного доступу до якісної освіти для усіх дітей, у тому числі дітей з особливими потребами, дітей – представників етнічних та національних меншин, сімей, які опинились у кризових ситуаціях;
  • залучення сімей і громади до освітнього та управлінського процесів.